As I started to write this post in the morning I was desperate, furious and had anxiety at the same time. But I'm happy I didn't have the time to write the whole post because it would have been written in a negative tone. I'll tell you why: So far my stay here has been pretty unproblematic. Until now. As I've already told you before, I was running 4 weeks ago and I hurt my knee. I do not like seeing doctor's since they always have some bad news. And getting an appointment in another country, insurances.... very confusing. But I finally went to see a doctor and I was lucky (horrible to say this), because my roommate had to see an orthopedist too so I just tagged along. Well, I showed my all swollen knee to the doctor and her reaction was: "Oh, it is very swollen, there's something
kaputt for sure". Great. She would have wanted to send me directly to an arthroscopic operation, even better.... But since I was a little skeptic and not living here permanently she said that another option is to take an MRI to see what's wrong and if it needs to be operated I'd probably have to do it in Finland because I might not have enough time here in Germany for that. If I understood it correctly (talking about anatomy and deseaces in German isn't my strongest side :D) her hypothesize was that the
cruciate ligament could be injured.
Well, that wasn't the reason for being so mad even if she told me to try to avoid burdening it, aka no sports for me... Well, I mean I can go for a walk in the forest if it doesn't hurt (because some days it's better and I can barely feel any pain while walking on a
soft ground).
But the reason why I was so mad was that I called a place where they do MRI's and first of all the lady couldn't hear what I was saying even if I could hear her (I've had problems with my phone, but as long as it's working somehow I won't buy a new one) and I would have gotten an appointment to the 30th of February, which is obviously too late and the third reason is that I wanted to speak German, of course, and I was pronouncing the word "Knie" with a silent k like in the English word "knee" so she couldn't understand me :D So I thought I'd never get an appointment and never get my knee fixed until my roommate came home so I could borrow his phone so I checked from google maps all the places where I could take the MRI (I had gotten a list from the doctor) and booked an appointment to many places to then take the first one. Well, I was lucky, because I was offered an appointment on Friday the 23rd in Goslar, a small city nearby where I can go for free with the train. It's in the evening so I won't even miss much from a lecture that is from 10 to 17. I was so happy, that I ran up the stairs (probably not very smart from me) to the second floor where my flatmate lives and I just attacked him with a big hug :D Haha poor guy looked a little stunned, but I just couldn't help it, all of a sudden I got my hope back - I would get my knee fixed!
The dick & the black
(had disagreements with the stairs so now the right knee is black, but that's gonna be just fine in a couple of days. It's the left one that I'm concerned about...) |
So life is good again! :) Oh, I have to tell you about our dinner we had
yesterday with a bunch of ERASMUS students: My Bulgarian friend had
invited us over for a Bulgarian dinner and I have to tell you, it was
soo delicious(I rolled back home again :D) and even if our discussions became a little bit too hmm
intense and there would have been no end if we hadn't told ourselves
just to stop and change the topic ;) Well, that's the best pat of this
experience: so many different people from different backgrounds and
views of life! We can learn so much or at least practice our
argumentation skills ;D
Very typical Bulgarian starters |
Mmm homemade Bulgarian food! |
Btw I'm finally taking advantage of the free access to the theater here in Göttingen! (I mean, there's gonna be naked men in the play, how could I resist? ;)) I hope I can understand something of it (it's Ein Sommernachtstraum from Shakespeare), but at least I won't lose any money if I don't like it. Oh and today we are going to buy tickets to an opera in Hannover, Wahn oder Sinn? - Der historische Kaiser Caligula or Die Hochzeit des Figaro. We are also planning on sightseeing in Hanover before the opera since it's in the evening, looking forward to some cultural activities :)
Going to the dinner, at this point I had no idea of how well I'd eat there! :) |
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